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1Oct, 2018

HIV – Human Immunodefficiency Virus – Updated

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HIV infection is best treated by immunosuppression. This prevents the development of AIDS. Immunosuppression requires cocktails of many different powerful drugs, which can often interact with substances as seemingly nondescript as caffeine. The management of HIV treatment is complex and difficult. Managing interactions ZibdyHealth has a built in system to detect drug-drug and drug-supplement interactions. Every time you scan or manually enter a drug, ZibdyHealth checks this drug’s active ingredients, and then checks for interactions with any other drugs or supplements in the medications you are already taking. The interactions […]

1Oct, 2018

Telemedicine and ZibdyHealth

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The time for telemedicine “Medicine at a distance” has finally come. Telecommunication technology has improved significantly and costs have dropped making a virtual visit with your physician a reality. Some of us who live in remote areas may have already experienced this wave of the future, and others will soon have their doctor visits through an App rather than driving to their office. All major hospitals and healthcare providers are already offering some kind of telemedicine service. In addition, there are independent services (e.g. American Well, Doctor-on-Demand, HealthTap and others) […]