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1Oct, 2018

Telemedicine and ZibdyHealth

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The time for telemedicine “Medicine at a distance” has finally come. Telecommunication technology has improved significantly and costs have dropped making a virtual visit with your physician a reality. Some of us who live in remote areas may have already experienced this wave of the future, and others will soon have their doctor visits through an App rather than driving to their office. All major hospitals and healthcare providers are already offering some kind of telemedicine service. In addition, there are independent services (e.g. American Well, Doctor-on-Demand, HealthTap and others) […]

1Oct, 2018

Manage Your Lab Test with ZibdyHealth

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Almost every visit to the doctor these days includes getting one or more lab tests to help the doctor diagnose and manage our ailments. These tests provide valuable information about our health, but often times they are only a snapshot of our current state. Sometimes the trends are even more important than one measurement. However, keeping track of those trends on your own can be difficult. If the doctor gives you your results, how do you keep track of them? Are they in an electronic form (such as in a […]